Dancers in black sequin costumes legs in air
National Dance Company Wales

International Touring

General Information

In the same way international artists add rich dimensions to the work we make, international touring weaves through where we perform and the audiences we reach. Recent years have seen the company touring to Austria, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Spain, South Korea and Switzerland.

The work we tour internationally benefits from a performance area of 12m wide x 11m deep, though most pieces can be performed on a slightly smaller stage area. Venues with a capacity between 400 and 700 frequently feature within our touring profile.

A typical tour party for us is 15 people – 9 dancers, 3 technicians and production staff, rehearsal director, artistic director and producer.

Increasingly we are trying to tour as sustainably as possible and make more use of local hires and supplies than in the past. We usually tour an ETC GIO desk, with sound control via Qlab from a MacBook Pro.

We currently have three pieces available for international touring:

Waltz by Marcos Morau

AUGUST by Matthew Wiiliam Robinson

Skinners by Melanie Lane

A double-bill of AUGUST and Skinners premieres at the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff on 19 September 2024.


Further Information
If you’d like further information, please contact:

Chris Ricketts, Executive Producer

Photo: Waltz by Marcos Morau (Kirsten McTernan)


Tour Programme