Time to Talk
Thursday 4th Feb is Time to Talk Day – part of a commitment across Wales that its time to change the way we think about mental health.
1 in 4 of us experiences poor mental health in any given year – let alone this one!
We know from experience talking about it has the power to make a difference.
If you need help talk to a friend, family member, work colleague, or check out these brilliant groups, resources and links – they’ll be happy to hear from you:
The Arts
Freelancers Make Theatre have put together a great list of free and low cost resources
Cult Cymru have some great training coming up on Mental Health First Aid and Stress Management.
Platform work with people who are experiencing challenges with their mental health, and with communities who want to create a greater sense of connection, ownership and wellbeing in the places that they live.
Website: https://platfform.org/
For the Dance sector:
This incredible list of dancer health and wellbeing organisations from People Dancing https://www.communitydance.org.uk/useful-contacts-and-links/dance-health-and-wellbeing
Free online mental health webinars from One Dance UK https://www.onedanceuk.org/programme/healthier-dancer-programme/health-events-conferences/
Mental health clinical support for dancers
Mental health in the workplace:
Website: https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/culture/well-being
Mental Health at Work
Website: https://www.mentalhealthatwork.org.uk/
Both offer information for employers and staff on mental health at work and whilst working from home.
If you need to talk to someone In Wales:
The Mix
Phone: 0808 808 4994
Text: 85258
Website: http://themix.org.uk/
Email: https://www.themix.org.uk/get-support/speak-to-our-team/email-us
The Mix is a support service for under 25s, available 365 days a year. They’re there to help you take on any challenge you’re facing – from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs.
You can talk to them on the phone, by email, online chat, and a crisis text line. They can also help you find support services in your local area.
Heads above the Waves
Website: https://hatw.co.uk/
A non-profit organisation based in Cardiff raising awareness of self-harm and depression in young people - they have a great list of people you can get in touch with and suggested support.
Telephone: 08457 90 90 90 (24 hours a day)
Email jo@samaritans.org
Website www.samaritans.org
Provides confidential, non-judgmental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.
CALL (Community Advice and Listening Line)
Telephone 0800 132 737
Website www.callhelpline.org.uk
Offers emotional support and information/literature on Mental Health and related matters to the people of Wales. Anyone concerned about their own mental health or that of a relative or friend can access the service. C.A.L.L. Helpline offers a confidential listening and support service.
NHS Direct Wales
Telephone 0845 4647
Website www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk
Health advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
NHS One You –
Website: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/
Offers a quick personlised plan of simple ideas to improve mental health.
Meic Cymru
Telephone: 0808 80 23456 (8am – midnight, seven days a week)
Text: 84001
Website: www.meiccymru.org
Meic is a confidential, free helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales. You can call, text or instant message them in Welsh or English for support, advice and information.
Mind Infoline
Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday)
Email info@mind.org.uk
Website www.mind.org.uk
Mind provides confidential mental health information services. With support and understanding, Mind enables people to make informed choices. Mind also has a network of nearly 200 local Mind associations providing local services.
Telephone 0845 767 8000 (6pm-11pm)
Website www.sane.org.uk
Saneline is a national mental health helpline providing information and support to people with mental health problems and those who support them.
Telephone: 0800 1111
Website: www.childline.org.uk
Childline is a free, confidential service available to anyone under 19 in the UK. Whether it's something big or small, their trained counsellors are there to support you any time, day or night.