New short film featuring Dance for Parkinson's across the UK
Our Dance for Parkinson’s Cardiff class took part in a UK-wide film short project organised by English National Ballet, who National Dance Company Wales partner with to host the classes in the capital. National Dance Company Wales also run Dance for Parkinson's hubs in Bangor and Wrexham in North Wales.
"'Morning Rhapsody' is an original dance film starring #DanceForParkinsons from our partner hubs in Liverpool, Oxford, Cardiff, Ipswich, West London, East London and our national online programme. This joyous celebration of dance, music and community exemplifies the ways in which creative expression fosters connection and wellbeing.
A film by Peter Snell, with music composed by Charlotte Harding."
Participants at ENB Dance for Parkinson's hubs across the UK had sessions learning the choreography for this new short film ‘'Morning Rhapsody', which was filmed at hubs in Liverpool, Oxford, Cardiff, Ipswich and London and edited together to create a short film showing a joyous celebration of the Dance for Parkinson's programme and its benefits.
Dance has been proven to develop confidence and strength, whilst temporarily relieving some participants of symptoms in everyday life. Classes are creative and promote feelings of freedom from the physical and social constraints of having Parkinson’s.
Classes offer movement and voice exercises designed to help manage living with Parkinson’s.
Dancing can enhance fluidity of movement, develop postural stability, flexibility of the spine and improve balance whilst the use of rhythm and voice can help with cueing movement and expression.
Classes are open to those living with Parkinson’s, along with their families, loved ones and carers
Those interested in joining classes across the UK can click here.
Or for our Cardiff, Bangor or Wrexham classes in wales click here.