On 25 May, the 1-year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, we wanted to update you on the moves we are making towards change.
We have strengthened our Strategic Equality Plan, which you can read here. The plan outlines our determination to reduce inequality in our organisation.
One of our main aims is to diversify the people who work with us and for us, and so we are making change:
- creating opportunities for people who experience racism in our society, including artists and arts workers to create work with NDCWales.
- diversifying who sits on our board of trustees.
- creating a diversity leadership programme with other national companies.
We’re also signed up to a programme to promote anti-racism in contemporary dance, done unconscious bias training, and sponsored artists who are ethnically and culturally diverse to be part of the Freelance Taskforce.
But....this is only a start. There is much more to be done, by us, and by others, working together. We're continuing to seek out ways to create change for dance and for Wales, to bring about a more just society and to change forever who we are, who we work with and who can enjoy our work and be part of it.