Black Lives Matter: A message from Chief Executive, Paul Kaynes
"At this time of shocking violence, we stand by our black friends, freelancers, trustees, staff and communities of colour. We are taking this moment to celebrate the contribution of black people to dance - as artists, dancers and supporters. This is more than a social media campaign - it’s about creating change and delivering social justice: the worlds of the arts and dance must change, for us to become more representative and more creative. And that’s what we will endeavour, with all our ability, to achieve. We’d like everyone to join us in this aim to drive change and champion equality."
Photo: 'Codi' by NDCWales Associate Artist Anthony Mastena from Roots 2019.
Articles and free magazines
One Dance UK’s HotFoot - https://www.onedanceuk.org/programme/dance-of-the-african-diaspora/dad-heritage-and-legacy/hotfoot-magazine/
Google Culture – Black British Dance - https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/black-british-dance-black-cultural-archives/JwKSV7M8LdHwJg?hl=en
Documentaries and films about Black Dance
Ballet Black: The Waiting Game - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000jjjn
Free to Dance: A history of African American Dance - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6F003CE2A4B31581
Yuli: The Carlos Acosta Story - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Yuli-Carlos-Acosta-Story/dp/B07QR7BCQQ
Black Ballet Pioneers - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/stories-49648768/everyone-said-i-was-crazy-the-black-ballet-pioneers
Black and Black Led dance to watch now
Ballet Black’s archive including classes and full works - https://balletblack.co.uk/bb-on-film/
Alvin Ailey: All Access - https://www.alvinailey.org/performances-tickets/ailey-all-access
Alesandra Seutin’s - INA - https://www.sadlerswells.com/whats-on/2019/ina-a-film-in-partnership-with-channel-4-random-acts/
Uchenna Dance – The Head Wrap Dairies - https://www.theplace.org.uk/place-online-uchenna-dance-head-wrap-diaries
Anthony Matsena - Simuka - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxN9zeGXLBo
Classes led by black teachers
Wales based artist running classes of various styles via Zoom - https://www.instagram.com/lizkamille/
Womens’ Dance Classes Via Zoom - https://www.iriedancetheatre.org/opportunities
Germaine Acogny Technique Classes Online - http://ecoledessables.org/en/2020/04/09/cours-de-technique-germaine-acogny-en-ligne/
Vocab Dance – Online classes coming soon - https://www.facebook.com/vocabdanceco/
Ballet Black’s archive of online classes – they also run live classes on their social pages - https://balletblack.co.uk/bb-on-film/